Joseph Muya

Web Developer | Graphic Designer

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About Me

Hello! I'm Joseph Muya, a versatile creative professional with a passion for visual storytelling and technology. My journey in the digital realm has equipped me with a unique blend of skills that allow me to bring ideas to life across multiple platforms.

Graphic Design

As an Adobe Photoshop enthusiast, I transform concepts into captivating visuals that speak volumes. From eye-catching social media graphics to stunning digital illustrations, I craft designs that leave a lasting impression.

Web Development

Armed with a foundation in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, I'm on an exciting journey to master the art of web development. My projects showcase my growing ability to create responsive and visually appealing websites that engage users.

Java Programming

My experience with Java allows me to approach problems with a programmer's mindset. I'm constantly exploring ways to leverage this powerful language to create efficient and scalable solutions.

Video Editing

Using CapCut and Clipchamp, I bring stories to life through dynamic video content. From quick, engaging social media clips to longer-form narratives, I edit with precision to captivate audiences and convey messages effectively.



Biometric Student Attendance System

A sophisticated system developed to automate student attendance using fingerprint recognition.

Technologies used: Java Swing, XAMPP MySQL Database, ZK4500 optical fingerprint device

1. Database Structure

Overview of the MySQL database structure, showcasing tables and relationships.

2. Admin Dashboard

Demonstration of the admin interface for managing system settings and users.

3. Lecturer Enrollment

Process of enrolling new lecturers and managing their information.

4. Student Enrollment

Demonstration of student registration and fingerprint enrollment.

My Skills









Microsoft Office Word


Microsoft Office Excel


Adobe Photoshop


Video Editing


My Certificates

Embark on a journey through my professional growth! Discover the array of certificates I've earned, showcasing my dedication to continuous learning and skill development.

HTML Certificate

JavaScript Certificate

Javascript Essentials Cisco Certificate

Cisco Introduction to Cyber Security Certificate

EF SET English Certification

Certificate of Good Conduct

TUKO Copywriting Certificate

Get In Touch

Ready to collaborate or have a question? I'm just a click away! Let's start a conversation and explore how we can work together.